الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

Alcatel One Touch 4007d flashing by Original Mobile Upgrade 4.0.6

تفليش الكاتيل 4007 بطريقة سهلة باستخدام برنامج الشركة الاصلى

بدون الانتظار لتنزيل الملفات من موقع الشركة الاصلى

Flashing 4007D by Original Mobile Upgrade WITHOUT wait for downloading flash source files from the server 

All of us are facing problem issues while flashing this device.

Sometimes it made well by SP-Flash-tool but not all the times it works well and may be dead.

Now at this tutorial i will share with you the perfect way to flash it, I tested it by myself and worked well.

Please follow the steps carefully (DO IT AT YOUR RISK IF YOU DONE ANYTHING WRONG):

1- Download Original Mobile Upgrade 4.0.6 and setup it normally like as any software.

2- Open setup folder located on C:/Original Mobile Upgrade 4.0.6/

you will find folder named (downloaded) and it will be empty for now.

3- Download Stock ALCATEL 4007D firmware from HERE, and extract it to any folder.

4- Copy all files of firmware you have extracted to downloaded folder which was empty.

5- Now open Original Mobile Upgrade 4.0.6 and select Model which is in our case ONE TOUCH 4007 (same as 4007D).

6- Switch off device and by pressing (VOL-) connect cable.

7- Press next will prompt you to confirm that battery should be full, so press YES.

8- The program will stop for a few seconds to load package which we had copied it on its downloaded folder (step 4).

9- When successfully loaded all files, it will be continue to upgrade or re-flash your device. just wait for finish.

10- Turn on your phone and all will be OK now.

If you have any problem about IMEI try this method 


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